A Bride for the Prince

A Bride for the Prince 22

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(prince in disguise)


By Terri Savage ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ


Episode 22


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Lee looked at Ariel with an open mouth, saying he is shocked will be an understatement, he is totally and excruciatingly shocked


His bewilderment is priceless, Ariel noticed the way he is looking at her


“What? why are you looking at me like, I know I’m beautiful, just tell me” She said


“You’re looking for your bra in my room?” He asked


“Huh!! I said that?” She asked not remembering when she said that


“Are you serious now, you just said you’re looking for your bra in my room” He replied


“I didn’t say such maybe you misheard me Jimin” She pouted


“Are you going crazy, you are looking for your bra in my room”


“And I say I didn’t said that, stop forcing me to admit it ”


“Okay fine, what are you doing here”


“I miss…. oh!! there’s a cockroach on my bed” Ariel said like a child


Lee hit his head frustratingly, avoiding her isn’t easy, she is too pestering


“Okay let’s go,, I will kill it” He said and made to stand but she stopped him


“No, I was once heard that killing is a sin, so killing the cockroach is not good beside I can sleep here,, maybe the cockroach is homeless, I will give it shelter today” Ariel said shocking Lee again


Is she going crazy this night?


He made to say something but stopped as she is already on his bed, spraying out her hands like she is about dying


“Hey stand up, you can’t sleep here” Lee said


She raised her head up and looked at him


“Why can’t I sleep here?” She asked calmly


“First of all you can’t sleep with someone you hate, second, I’m not a snake and thirdly and I might lose control who knows, you sure have a bright future at your back” He replied stylishly looking at her ass


“Pervert, I know you ain’t a snake, but I said I will rather fall for a snake than you, it wasn’t about sleeping together”


“The same thing”


“You are afraid of ….”


“Just shut up” He cut her off


And Ariel smiled


“Good night handsome devil”


“Huh!! handsome devil” Lee gasped


She readjusted herself and spray out her legs and hands widely on the bed covering a large space and leaving a small space for Lee


“Ariel are you here to frustrate me tonight?” Lee asked


“Jimin, if you’re afraid of sleeping on the same bed with me, you can use the floor ” She said and closed her eyes


Lee sighed frustratingly, she is already asleep


“She is even hard to avoid”


Ariel mumbled some inaudible words and turned her face to Lee side, pouting slightly


Lee looked at it and started leaning in and in and in…..




Ariel woke up and yawned loudly before sitting up


She looked around for Lee but he’s not in the room


“Where did that handsome devil went to?” She asked herself and got down from the bed


She smiled as she remembered she slept soundly last night… no nightmare


She walked out and headed to her room, she entered her room, she pulled down her clothes and entered the bathroom, she came out after some minutes and dressed up before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast


She got there and saw Lee already in the kitchen making a cup of tea, she stared at him suprisingly wondering when he started using the kitchen


She stood beside him and Lee ignored her again


“Handsome devil” she said but got no answer


“Hey I just talk to you”


“My name is Jimin, not handsome devil, I’m handsome I know but the last word is for you” He replied


“You’re making tea for who?” She asked


“I don’t have a stomach right”


She bite her lower lip, she began looking for what to get his attention


She took a knife and quickly gave out a groan pretending like it hurt her


Lee quickly rushed to her and held her hand


“Ariel are you okay?” He asked with so much concern


She looked at him and smiled naughtily


“I’m okay, so you still care about me, I was just checking out something”


Lee frowned and poked her forehead, her body twitched


“I would have made the tea for you” She said


“No, it’s specially made for someone, so I have to do it myself”


“Someone? who!” She asked


Her eyes caught his exposed shirt and she started drooling


“It’s for Min ” He replied, she snapped out of her imagination immediately she heard Min name


“What!! Min”


“Yes, any problem with that?”


“No” She replied and become sad


Lee heard someone calling and he went out leaving her in the kitchen


Ariel smirked and took the salt and sugar containers and change the label on them, replacing the salt label with sugar label, she smiled after she finished, shortly Lee returned and took the container unknowingly to him that it’s salt, he poured some content in the tea and mixed it before taking it out


Ariel followed behind him and stood at the door watching with a smirk creeping on her lips


Lee walked to Min and gave it to her


“Thanks” She blushed and sipped the tea


The taste she felt was so horrible, she tried swallowing just to compliment Lee effort but the reflex action took place on her


She spat it out


Ariel started laughing and holding her chest


“What is it?”


“What did you add in this, are you sure it’s sugar, cos I think it’s sodium chloride” She said, she would have reacted angressively if it was someone else


“Sodium chloride” Lee wondered, he collected the cup and tasted it too, he spat it out immediately


“What!! this is damn horrible” He said


“It’s nothing, I will just eat breakfast at school, thanks for caring” She said and pecked him before leaving


“Bye pretty” He waved back


He looked at the tea wondering what went wrong what he put in the tea was sugar and not sodium chloride, so how come sodium chloride is in the tea, this can mean one thing


He entered the kitchen and Ariel is innocently preparing rice, she even pretended like she didn’t see him


Lee looked at her suspiciously


“You add salt in the tea when I walked out right?” He asked


“Salt!” She said innocently




“I don’t know what you are talking about Jimin” She replied


Lee smiled knowing she is behind everything and this means one thing she is jealous, the look she had on her face the other time, he know the perfect thing to do to make her to confess her feelings out


He simply walked out


“I’m here and you couldn’t make tea for me nonsense” She scoffed jealousy




“What lecture are we having after this one?” Min asked


“Free lecture, games class” Nina replied


“I haven’t seen Ryder today” Nirvana said worriedly


“Someone missing her boyfriend” Boi zin mockingly said


Nirvana just rolled eyes


The lecturer entered the class




His lecture ended and he walked out


“Games class!!!” Came screams from students


They started heading to the different sections to change into something else


“What are you doing?”


“I will go for volleyball ball”




“I swim”




The all smiled and entered the girls section to change


Nirvana is the first to come out and the sport wear is made for her, it brings out her curves and she is looking more hotter


The rest came out


“Wow!! Nirvana look at that ass” Boi zin said spanking it


“Naughty girl” She smiled


“See her curves”


“I’m jealous”


Next beside them Ryder just came out dressed in his sport wear


His eyes traced to where the girls were and immediately he saw Nirvana, he couldn’t believe it was her, she is looking more modified, the sport wear have become an adjective to her


He couldn’t believe there’s something like that, she is so hot


“She is cute and hot” He smiled


Nirvana turned and saw him


“Ryder” She called and rushed to him running


“She is going crazy”


She got to him and hugged him tightly surprising him


“Pretty eyes”


“Yes, where were you?” She asked cutely


“Something came up so urgent” He replied


“Okay, I was worried” She said and broke the hug


“Thanks, you look good in the sport wear” Ryder said


She started blushing


“Since it’s coming from you, I know it’s the truth, let’s go” She said pulling him to where the girls are


He greeted Nina and Boi zin ignoring Min completely


Somehow and strangely Min felt hurt that he ignored her but waved it away, maybe it’s because she hate someone snubbing her




The field is filled with students playing different kind of games, football, volleyball ball


The girls took their various games, Nina is playing volleyball, Min is playing basketball, Boi zin is playing football and Nirvana is racing


Ryder is playing football with the boys but his attention is on Nirvana, he can’t believe all of sudden he started liking her maybe it’s just to get at Min for treating him that way


The race started and Nirvana is leading, she added more pressure, determined to win but she suddenly triple on her shoe laces and fell down hurting herself


Ryder ran there and heaped her up in his arms


๐Ÿ‘ฅ Am I seeing double


๐Ÿ‘ฅThe American hottie


๐Ÿ‘ฅ She’s one lucky b*tch


๐Ÿ‘ฅ I wish I’m the one


Her friends rushed there


“Are you alright?”


“I’m fine, just a minor injury”


“I will take her to the school clinic” Ryder offered and left with her


Min sighed feeling somehow




Ariel snucked into Lee’s room without his knowledge and sat on the bed waiting for him, he is currently with Min helping her with her assignment


“I’m worried, what if they kiss” Ariel said


“Gosh!! should I just confess and be free,, no I will look cheap, but what if he doesn’t love me back, he care for me but… gosh!!


The sound of the door opening made her looked up


“Ariel” Lee called, inwardly smiling




“I hope you are not mistaking my room for yours?” He asked


“No” She nodded innocently


“Then what are you doing here?” He asked


“I am…..”


“Looking for your panties right?” He asked making Ariel to gasped confusingly




Wahala no dey finish for here



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